Research Appointments

Thank you for your interest in conducting research at the Conjuring Arts Research Center. The Conjuring Arts library operates on a closed-stack system: this means we don’t allow browsing of our shelves. What we do allow however, are prearranged research appointments. If you are interested in arranging a research appointment, please send a brief proposal to The proposal should include the following:

1. Project goals

2. A list of up to 5 resources you plan on using. Please visit our online catalog to determine what you would like to view. You can also search for potential materials by going to Ask Alexander and selecting the All Materials Available on-site at Conjuring Arts preview level:


Ask Alex preview

When submitting your list, please include as much information as possible including title, author and date of publication.

3. End uses of the research

This will be reviewed by the librarian and sent to the Board for approval. If approved, an appointment will be scheduled at a time that is mutually convenient . Please allow at least two weeks for the arrangement of an appointment.

Your two-hour appointment can be take place within the following windows of time:

Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: 9am-4pm

Thursday: 9am-1:30pm

A few notes on the actual research appointment:
-All appointments last a maximum of two hours
-Current photo ID must be presented at the beginning of the appointment
-Bags and backpacks must be left with the librarian at the beginning of the appointment
-You are welcome to use a personal laptop during your appointment
-Pencils are the only writing instrument allowed
-No food or beverages are allowed in the library

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